Hi. I am a nut-allergic human.

Hi. I am a nut-allergic human. I was diagnosed with severe peanut and tree nut allergies when I was a baby. I cannot eat them, touch them, breathe them in. But that is not all I am. It is not the only thing that defines me, though sometimes it feels that way. It does not limit me...well it actually does, but I am in a constant battle to try and fight it. I am and want to be so much more than just a person with a disability. 

This is my story. 

These are my thoughts and feelings poured onto a page. I hope they can shed some hope, dignity, and awareness to someone, whether you suffer from allergies, another disability, or are in perfect physical healthy. We all need a friend who understands how we feel and how we struggle. I don't pretend to be strong or brave or have it all figured out. But I know who I am, and I am not broken. 

I am a survivor. 

Please leave a comment below if this blog seems helpful or if you have any specific requests for what I should talk about. And please subscribe if you want to see more! 


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